Carefast | Storck Race Results: Ontario, Ca. June 25th

Ontario Crit Series

Masters 50+

Team riders Mike Allec and Scott Winzeler line up in a field of 30 racers. This was Mike’s first race back so the stoke level was high! The plan was to stay up front, watch for any good breaks and go with one. Plenty of attacks but nothing sticks. Lap cards came out and Scott was setting up the lead out for Mike, two laps to go and Scott is sitting 2nd wheel with a Big Orange Cycling rider setting a good pace. He pulled off a little sooner than we would like leaving Scott 1st wheel going into the final lap. Scott kept a good hot pace, but going into turn one, a couple of Big Orange riders made a big move and attacked. This lit the field up and everyone responded, Scott and Mike did a great job getting to them, but just as they got there David Holland launched his sprint and sealed the deal. Solid team work on their part. Overall the boys finished with the pack but both were pleased with the results and was great to have Mike back in the mix!

David Holland’s video is at the bottom of the post! Thanks David!

Masters 45+

Mike and Scott were back at it in a field of over 30 racers. Temps were approaching the 100 degree mark. The morning was getting warmer as was the racing. Within a few laps there was an attack followed by a few others that were able to bridge making it a total of 10-12 guys with most teams represented. Mike was in the break so Scott worked to reel in any chasers, the field wasn’t organized and the break now had over 15 seconds. Then it looked like the break was starting to attack each other, pulls were being skipped. A couple of guys were able to get away from the break and once that happened, it seemed like the larger break fell apart, now the gap is only 8 seconds or so. A couple of laps later they were all together again (except for the two off the front). Coming into the last lap, Scott had to surf a few wheels and was able to take top 5 in the final sprint for 7th overall.

Pro 123

Team riders Nathan Grill, Danny Pearce and Scott Winzeler (yes his 3rd race of the day) line up in a field of 30 or so other racers. The temp was now over 100 degrees and the boys agreed that the extreme heat would allow for a break to stick. They saw it in the earlier races. Only a few guys in the field would be motivated to work due to the mild 102 temps. On the second lap, Nathan and another go on a flyer. This was perfect as it set up a counter on the third lap. Two riders counter as the field catches Nathan. Danny bridges, then another 3 riders bridge to them by the end of the lap. Now a break of six were working well to stay away and make it work. Thirty-five minutes into the race and the break catches the main field! Lapped!

Once rejoined, Danny asked Nathan and Scott to help weld the field together until the sprint. He pointed out the two riders that he thought were the most dangerous. If they go, we go.

For the next 30 minutes we played cat and mouse, covering moves every other lap. Felt like wind sprints. Calm, then a burst for 30-45 seconds. Repeat. Headed into the last lap, Scott had control of the front coming out of turn two. Danny was probably six wheels back. Nathan gives the green light to hit it. Scott punches it and gaps the field. (Let me remind you, Scott is on his third race of the day! Beast!) A couple heads turn, looking at who is going to go. One of the break away riders goes on the inside well before the 3rd turn. He gets a solid gap quick. Danny is surfing wheels at this point, sitting 4th and started his sprint halfway thru the chicane and was able to seal 2nd place! Great move on the winners part.

Danny gave a big THANK YOU to Nathan and Scott. They were instrumental in covering moves and discouraging another break from forming. Their pacing in the last lap was a huge help.

Solid teamwork boys!! Way to go!

Video by David Holland

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Ladera Ranch June 11

Ladera Ranch Masters California State Championships

Team rider lined up in the Elite Masters 55+ in a field of 35 or so riders for the California State jersey. The conditions were wet, course had standing water on it, so the first several laps were pretty tame (around 22mph). Then the attacks started but no break lasted more than a few laps. With just under 2 to go Steve Strickler puts in a little effort & got separation and everyone looked around to see who was going to chase it down. Nobody did and he stayed away. Scott was able to win the bunch sprint for 2nd place!

Ladera Ranch 45+ Masters California State Champs

Team riders Tony Rago and Scott Winzeler line up in a field of 40 or so riders. Course is still damp and a couple of strong teams assembled. There were attacks from the whistle, reeled back and then a counter on lap 3 or so. Once again the field brought it back, Tony and Scott remained in the front of the race in anticipation of a break that may materialize and with the conditions and teams represented, it would have a solid chance. A local racer Pat Bos made a move going into turn 2 on lap 5 or so and the boys latched on, it was a strong effort to create seperation and the break was established. They had a 6-7sec gap as they came out of turn 4. There was another very bad crash that happened behind the break and the officials slowed the group down but allowed them to continue because the incident was isolated off to the left of the road. The guys worked well together and Scott got a prime on one of the laps. Three laps later they had nearly 20 secs, then a couple laps later close to 30 secs on the field. Headed into turn one a spectator was in the corner and spooked Pat causing all three riders to go down. Pat and Scott landed on grass in a median and Tony wasn’t as lucky and hit the asphalt pretty hard. Pat and Scott hurried back to the pits to get restarted but the EMT arrived with their vehicle for the previous crash, so they neutralized the race. Since there wasn’t much time left they ended up calling the race and had the 45s race all over again with the 35s. Tony and Scott were unable to restart due to mechanical issues and injury.

Unfortunately that is how racing goes, some bad luck there but the boys came home with minor injuries, nothing serious.

Ladera Ranch 35+ Masters California State Champs

Team rider Jeff Mitchell lined up solo in a field of close to 50 other riders. By this time the course was dry and this field also had alot of teams represented. Since this is the state champs it would prove to be very active from the whistle. A break was established late in the race and was able to stay away. Jeff wasnt in a position to contend in the bunch sprint so he had to settle for a pack finish.

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Ontario, Ca. May 21st

Ontario Crit Series

The boys headed to Ontario, Ca for some Sunday racing in some hot conditions. Andy Erickson, Taylor Sisson, Scott Winzeler and Tony Rago make the trip to throw down with So. Cal racers. Scott Winzeler lines up solo in a field of 30 or so riders for his second race of the day in the 50+ field. Plan was to just follow moves and be in position to go with something if it looked promising. Scott makes a move with about 10 laps to go and gets away. He establishes a nice gap and another rider bridged, lap cards come out the two have about 15secs on the field. The two were working well together but were caught at the last corner on final lap. Scott digs deep and brings it to the line for a photo finish! Barely edged out and takes 2nd!

Andy and Taylor line up with 55 or so riders in the 30+ 3/4 race, plenty of attacks but nothing really sticks. The pace stayed pretty hot throughout the entire race and Taylor finished just outside the top 10.

Next up Tony and Scott line up for the 45+ in a field of 35 or so guys. Weather is approaching 90 degrees now and Scott is on his 3rd race for the day! Plenty of attacks right from the whistle and although some looked to stick, the field just reeled them back in. With 5 laps to go Scott and Tony work to stay up front for Tony to have a shot at the final sprint. The pace heats up and then the field explodes headed into the final two corners of the race. Scott gets boxed in and that leaves Tony freelancing for wheels and he is able to hold em off for the win!

Last race of the day is the Cat 3 for Taylor and Andy in a field of 40 or so guys. The temperature is now approaching 100 degrees and no one was really motivated to make huge moves. There were a few attempts but all of the breaks got pulled back. Our boys remained in the mix and were positioned perfectly, in the top 5, headed into the last lap. A single rider got away and stayed away for the win and headed into the final corner things got dicey. Our boys ended up with a pack finish.

Solid racing guys and way to slug it out!!

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Ontario, Ca Easter Weekend

Ontario Easter Weekend

Team rider Scott Winzeler headed to the Ontario Easter crits solo to race the Masters field and came away with a win! More than 50 racers line up for the 55+ race and although there were plenty of attacks nothing really sticks. Scott was able to hold em all off in the final sprint!

Way to go Scott!!

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Victorville Omnium April 10th

Victorville Omnium

Jeff Mitchell, Tayor Sisson, Tyler Chairsell, Danny Pearce, Yash Gokul and Tony Rago all head to Victorville, Ca. for the 3-day Omnium consisting of a TT on Friday, Road Race on Saturday and a Crit on Sunday. Taylor, Yash and Tyler all do the TT on Friday with Tyler sitting 2nd, Taylor 3rd and Yash just outside the top 10 of their respective categories. Saturday we were under a wind advisory with sustained winds nearing 30mph and some strong gusts which made for a long day battling the elements. The course was a 6.5mile loop with very rough pavement and a small climb on each lap. With the headwind on the climb and the strong crosswinds you had to really be heads up as everyone was looking for relief in the gutters. The Pro 1-2 would do 12 laps, the 45+ would do 9 laps and the Cat 3 would do 7 laps. Yash started his road race early but had to cut it short due to a flat out on the course with no wheel support. Danny was racing in the Pro 1-2, Jeff, Tyler and Tayor were racing the Cat 3s and Tony was racing in the 45+ Masters category. Danny took off first and a 3-man break was established just outside of the neutral roll out and it stayed away the entire race. The group split later and Danny finished with one of the chasing groups for a very hard day on the bike. Jeff got into a 3-man break that appeared to be sticking and ended up getting split up when he suffered a nasty cramp, Tyler got split from the group and ended up calling it a day. Taylor suffered a double flat and had to chase back on once he got wheels and managed to sneak in a 6th place finish. Tony was also in a break early in his race that got split and he ended up winning the bunch sprint for a 6th place finish in his race.

Sunday’s crit had much better weather and better pavement. The boys did multiple races and the results were Jeff 2nd in the Cat 3, Tony 3rd in the 45+, Danny top 10 in the Pro 1-2 and although Taylor crashed with 2 to go in the cat 3, he managed to finish the race and seal 4th overall for the Omnium!

Overall some tough racing and some bad breaks, but the boys brought home some results and some cash!

Great work guys!

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Budweiser Sequoia Classic April 2nd

Budweiser Sequoia Classic

Team rider Scott Winzeler heads to Nor. Cal to race the Budweiser Sequoia Classic in Visalia, Ca. in the 35+ and 45/55+ Masters races. This is a very short course not one where breaks tend to stick, the race usually stays together. There is a ton of cash in primes and for placing so this usually attracts a big field. Lots of attacks in all the races but nothing really sticks, Scott kept his head about him and focused on taking some cash and keeping his eye on winning the race. The 35+ was was a solid race that yielded some cash for Scott and a top 10 finish. The 45/55+ field raced together and here again lots of attacks but it comes down to the sprint and Scott seals the deal taking 1st in the 55s and winning the jersey!

Way to represent in Nor. Cal Scott!!

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Desert City Crit Series March 4th

Desert City Crit Series

Team riders Danny Pearce, Taylor Sisson, Yash Gokul and Scott Winzeler line up with about 15 or so other racers. The plan was to just work the field since the turnout was low, counter any attacks and just maintain positioning at the front. Everything was going to plan and there were a couple of the attacks that looked like they might stick. Then with about 20 to go a few efforts in a row split the field down to 8 riders. With 4 laps to go, we lined up, on the last lap Scott made a move to take the front, moved to the front Yash and Taylor got cut off in turn 2. Scott accelerated down the back stretch but Danny paused a bit hoping the boys would get back on but no luck, the acceleration left a gap and Scott was able to seal the win and Danny with him in 2nd!

Solid day in St. George Utah!

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Rosena Ranch Feb. 25th

Rosena Ranch Circuit Race

Team riders Andy Erickson, Taylor Sisson and Tony Rago make the day trip to race at Rosena Ranch in San Bernardino, CA on Saturday Feb 25th. Andy and Taylor would line up with the Cat 3s and Tony would race the 45+ solo.

The 45s went off first in a combined field with the 50+ as well making a total of 50 riders or so. All the usual suspects were there, lots of heavy hitters from So Cal. Tony’s plan was to get in a break earlier the better and see if we could stay away, this course was famous for breaks sticking. He was able to get into a break of 9 guys on lap 3 of 13, it was very organized and with everyone helping each other to push the gap – hard efforts and the way back had a solid headwind. We could see some strong riders organizing the chase and not too far behind at each turnaround. The gap grew but the group started getting tired and guys stopped working. This allowed 2 guys ride away from the break leaving it to 7 guys, they now had a decent gap but 3 riders in the break simply refused to put in any work. Tony recognized this but wanted to defend the gap that now looked to hold. He also knew those sitting in wanted that 3rd spot! Final lap and into the sprint Tony was able to hold them off and seal the 3rd place!

The Cat 3 group followed and Andy and Taylor lined up in the field of 44 riders. There were some big numbers from Big Orange and the La Grange guys. They figured it was their race and they would be chasing each other down. The plan was to keep the boys at the front so Andy would have the best chance at getting in a break. Andy was in multiple breaks that were brought back. The pace was pretty mild the entire time like everyone was just conserving energy to chase breaks and make it a group sprint finish. Last lap came and pace went hot. Taylor was able to hold on and finished in the top 10. Andy finished with the pack!

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Valley of the Sun Stage Race Feb. 17-19

Valley of the Sun Stage Race

Valley of the Sun (VOS) is the first big stage race of the season and we had a skeleton crew headed down this year. Tyler Chairsell, Scott Winzeler and Tony Rago made their way down to Phoenix, AZ and the surrounding areas for the three stages of the VOS. The weather forecast for the weekend was looking very grim, the boys were bracing for high winds and solid rain. The TT was on Friday and the weather held out, just a little breezy. Tyler was racing in the Cat 3s and Scott and Tony would be racing in the 45+ field. Tyler posted a 33:50(31st) and Scott posted a 32:40(15th) while Tony would suffer a flat with 5k to go.

The road race was where the weather really became a factor, high cross winds and solid rain. Tyler battled the Cat 3 field solo and became detached on one of the hard efforts up the climb that was on each lap. Scott and Tony maintain great position throughout the road race and Tony suffered yet another mechanical on the final lap before the group headed into the final climb. Scott was able to seal a 5th place finish in the road race moving him up in GC to 12th!

The final stage was the crit on Sunday in downtown Phoenix, the weather was still very wet with occasional light rain and the course soaked from continuous rain overnight. Tony had been dealt a pretty unlucky hand thus far but called on Scott to help him win the crit. Scott being the great teammate he is obliged and agreed to be Tony’s leadout to give him the best chance and a win or placement for some redemption. Scott raced a perfect race and kept him and Tony in the top 5 wheels or so from lap 5 on! With 2 laps to go the pace surged and they found themselves about 10th or so, Scott did his thing and got the boys back in position to make a move on the final lap. Last lap and on the back straight headed into the final corner, Scott put in a solid leadout to position Tony for the sprint. The field utilized our leadout and Tony was able to seal a 3rd place finish to close out a fairly unlucky weekend at VOS.

Tyler would race in the 3s next and the course really dried out. Plenty of attacks and no real way to make moves left Tyler with a pack finish.

The boys made the most of the weather and went into battled and made it home safe.

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Plaid is Rad!!

Carefast | Storck Race Results: Carlos Soto Memorial Crit Jan 29

Carlos Soto Memorial Crit

The Carlos Soto Memorial Crit takes place after the Santa Barbara County Road Race in Goleta, Ca. Many riders from the previous days race show up to battle it out in this early season crit. Team riders Scott Winzeler and Tony Rago line up with a field of 57 or so riders for the combined 45+ and 55+ field (to be scored separately). The field had several hitters in it including a national crit champ and several California current and former crit champs. The pace heated up after the first five or so laps and the attacks were plentiful! Finally a two man break did stick late in the race that left us with a bunch sprint finish. Scott was able to seal the 2nd Place spot in the 55+ field and Tony was able to bring home a top 10.

Next up we had team riders Nathan Grill, Andy Erickson and Taylor Sisson in the P123 field that was approx. 93 riders deep. Nathan got into a promising split with eight or so other riders but was quickly reeled in by the field. Several attacks and a 2 man break that looked to stick was caught on the last lap, our boys finished with the pack respectively. Great to have that race in the legs for upcoming races!

Finally we had team riders Steven Keltie and Sergei Vasilyev in the Cat 4 race. A very early break of two strong riders was able to stay away for the entire race and almost caught the field on the last lap. Our boys finished with the pack and are ready for the next event!

Great work by everyone for a solid and eventful weekend of racing in sunny Southern California!